Monday, August 17, 2009

Marianist Monday

In his first "Rule of Life" for the Society of Mary, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade defines two characteristic virtues of a religious of Mary: a spirit of prayer and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Simplicity is the hallmark of Blessed Chaminade's method of prayer. The key components of his method of prayer are "faith, silence, and the importance of the Creed, Mary and practice."

For Chaminade prayer is an exercise of faith, which takes revealed truth and roots it in the soul of the individual praying.

Blessed Chaminade said, "The practice of absolute silence is an excellent means of arriving at the constant active presence of God." And silence involved the whole person: words, signs, mind, emotions and imagination.

Blessed Chaminade understood meditation on the Creed as a focus on the whole mystery of Christ. It is is a review of Christ from birth to death to resurrection. To pray its truths meditatively is to realistically practice the life of Christ.

The Christ life for Blessed Chaminade is rooted in prayer and devotion of Mary. Mary is our center, we pray as a community, with the community and for the community.

The goal of all prayer of Blessed Chaminade is to be transformed into Christ. It is about an imitation to Jesus Christ, Son of God become Son of Mary for the salvation of all.

So, what counsel could we give you than to take time, be silent and see what the Scriptures tell you about how to be closer to God?