"Is He worth it? Is Christ who is calling me to Himself worth it? Is He worth the sacrifice of family and friends? Is He who came to us in a stable worth my stepping out into the unknown and unheard of? Is He who stripped of His clothes worth my putting on blue and white forever? Is He who cared so little about money that He gave the money bag to Judas worth me renouncing all personal ownership and making a vow of poverty? Is He who was nailed to the Cross for me worth my nailing my heart to the Cross with His? Is He who gave me life worth my giving my life back to Him? Is He who called the children to Himself worth giving up marriage and bearing my own children? Is He worth it? It is a simple question and requires a simple answer with astronomical implications.
The truth is, He IS worth it. He who is love Himself came to us, to become one with us. He came to us so that our humanity might be lifted up into his divinity, both now here on earth and eternally. He who knew the pain of separation from His heavenly Father and His dear Mother, He who knew He was calling His mother to a pierced heart, called Her anyway. And He exalted Her also. He who is love Himself, who pours Himself out to us continuously through the Eucharist. He who humbles Himself to come into our Hearts at every Mass, will bring us the greatest peace and joy when we surrender our hearts to His will and His love. He willnever be out done in generoisty and so when we give our Hearts He will give us 100 fold in return."
by Sister Brigid Ancilla Marie professed her first vows on Thursday.)We witnessed Sister Brigid and four other Sisters of Life profess vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Stamford, Connecticut yesterday.

After the Profession Mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto we journeyed to the Villa Maria Guadalupe Retreat Center. Under three tents on the Feast of the Transfiguration we continued the celebration.

Just before we departed for Long Island we paused for a picture. Above are: Caroline Bamburek '09, Diana Dowling '10, Sister Antoniana
(Vocation Director) and Daniel McQuillan '10.