Today marks the anniversary of seven Brothers who professed their first vows on the feast of the Queenship of Mary.
Brother Richard Harold
49 years
Father Albert
48 years
Brother George Richard
47 years
Father Garrett
46 years
Brother Joseph Anthony
46 years
Brother Mark
45 years
Brother Gary
44 years
If you do the math, that is 325 Years of Marianist Religious Consecration to Christ and His Mother!
Below is a reflection from Brother George who celebrates 48 years of religious consecration.
"I have been blessed as a teacher of English as well as coach of Speech and Debate. Let me explain. Every year, as I begin teaching English, I explain to my students that the name for the Second Person of the Trinity (who later added human nature to his Divine nature, this becoming Jesus) is the Word. The Son is also the Word of the Father. That is a comforting thought for a Christian Catholic, especially for one studying or teaching English. Learning about a short story or about composition is essentially learning about how to use words effectively—to communicate, to touch someone else. We learn to use words in English class so that we can reach the Word, with a capital W. That is the link I see between teaching English and being a Catholic Brother. My students and I try to learn words to reach the Word.
The same is true when I coach Speech and Debate. Take speech, for example. The student and I struggle to say the right words the right way—again, to reach the Word (of God). In Debate, the goal is the same. We look at both sides of a proposition (called a resolution) to see the truth contained in the statement. Then we research the position and argue it back and forth—all to reach the Word.
I have tried to be faithful to this high calling—to use words to reach the Word. This is the source of my happiness as a Brother."
The same is true when I coach Speech and Debate. Take speech, for example. The student and I struggle to say the right words the right way—again, to reach the Word (of God). In Debate, the goal is the same. We look at both sides of a proposition (called a resolution) to see the truth contained in the statement. Then we research the position and argue it back and forth—all to reach the Word.
I have tried to be faithful to this high calling—to use words to reach the Word. This is the source of my happiness as a Brother."