Monday, July 13, 2015

Marianist Monday

"We are all missionaries," Blessed William Joseph Chaminade said, "and we consider ourselves on a permanent mission" witnessing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We carry out this mission not only in the classroom, but in so many other ways. In activities such as homeroom, retreats, days of recollection, Sodality meetings, meetings with parents of students, and extracurricular programs. The entire school community -- teachers, students, parents, friends -- is invited to take part in our mission.

Now drawing on every available educational resource, we work to transform our schools into living testimonies to the new evangelization. This is a work of our imagination. Looking for new and innovative ways to take the Good News and make it a powerful tool in today's world.

From Blessed William Joseph Chaminade -

The Lord afflicts us in diverse ways; let us profit by all our tribulations. Let nothing shake our confidence and fidelity; it is amid contradictions and tribulations that the works of God prosper, are purified and strengthened (Spirit 1, § 419).