Saturday, April 5, 2014

Marianists Coming to Fordham

April 3, 2014

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, a number of Marianists traveled up to Fordham last year to meet up with our graduates from both Chaminade and Kellenberg Memorial and to conduct an evening of spiritual refreshment. I was extremely pleased with last year’s turnout, with the candor of our discussions, and with the fervor of our prayer.

We’re well underway organizing a similar event this year.

So, here’s the deal: I’ll be coming up to Fordham’s Rose Hill campus in the Bronx with Bro. Timothy Driscoll, Fr. Tom Cardone, and a few other Marianists this coming Wednesday, April 9. Our theme will be:

The Journey Towards Easter

We will be taking advantage of an event already sponsored by the University’s Campus Ministry and holding a few of our own as well. We will begin with Mass on Wednesday evening, followed by dinner and some time for sharing our experiences of the spiritual life – and, of course, just catching up and recalling our memories of your high-school years. We will conclude the evening with the university’s Praise and Worship Service.

Here are the details:

When? Wednesday, April 9, 2014


 5:30 p.m. Our Lady’s Chapel 
(lower level of the University Church)

6:30 p.m. Salice-Conley Classroom 
(first floor of the Salice-Conley Hall)

Spiritual Sharing 
7:00 p.m. Salice-Conley Classroom 
(first floor of the Salice-Conley Hall)

Praise and Worship 
8:00 p.m. Our Lady’s Chapel
(lower level of the University Church)

All graduates of Chaminade and Kellenberg Memorial are welcome, 
as well as anyone else interested in some spiritual refreshment. 
 Bring a friend! Better yet, bring several friends!!!!

If you can let me know in advance if you are planning to attend – and if you are bringing some

others along – that would be great. Email me at Or contact me on Facebook.

But if you just show up, that’s great too. And feel free to come for any part of the program that

matches your schedule. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

God bless,

Bro. Steve (Balletta)