Thy Will Be Done
Sometimes when defining some spiritual things I just hit a dead end. But recently somebody asked me if I could answer the question, "What's God’s will for you." That’s not an easy thing to do. To take a spiritual concept and place it in human terms is just not easy.
How are we humans, the mere dust breathed by God, supposed to determine what God’s will is for us? Maybe by stepping back and taking a closer look at our lives, we can catch a glimpse of the will of God.
It turns out that I was only accepted to Kellenberg Memorial High School, another local, Catholic High School run by the Marianists. To make a long story short, four years later I cannot see myself at any other high school. Kellenberg Memorial is a piece of Heaven on earth for any Catholic student. I have become spiritually involved at Kellenberg Memorial. But that’s not all. I have grown academically and athletically at my school. And when I look back at the last four years, I kind of laugh at it all. And then hit myself on my head and say, “This is God’s will being done.” After four years there I am now thinking about my own religious vocation.