And the faculty have chosen to use the classroom as an main avenue for spreading seeds. Spreading the seeds of the Holy Spirit and communicating the graces of the Gospel.
Transmitting the Good News of the gift of Jesus Christ through God's grace is the witness of the Holy Spirit. The faculty have chosen to be communicators of grace. It's our choice.
The key to being a seed-planter, a sower of grace, is intentional. Intentionally communicating grace is more than desire, it takes a plan and a strategy.
It is just too hard to declare to yourself each morning, "Today I will be Spirit- filled."
So how do we plant seeds of the Spirit?
Consider what could happen if we began each day, if we said to ourselves, "Life is too short to be ..." (you fill in the blank).
One day it might be, "Life is too short to be small."
On another day it might be, "Life is too short to be bitter."
On another day it might be, "Life is too short to be jealous."
On another day it might be, "Life is too short to be petty."
On another day it might be, "Life is too short to be angry."
On another day it might be, "Life is too short to be self-pitying."
But every day, "Life is too short to be ... (whatever)."
On the day we say, "Life is too short to ... hate anyone," we can plant seeds of compassion.
On the day we say, "Life is too short to be ... bitter," we can plant seeds of acceptance.
On the day we say, "Life is too short to be ... afraid," we can plant seeds of risk.
On the day we say, "Life is too short to be ... jealous," we can plant seeds of joy.
The greatest compliment any of us could hope to hear should be, "That (person's name) is the seediest person I know!"