As a community of faith united to the person of Jesus Christ, the Brothers affirm a special devotion to His Mother, Mary, the first disciple. Because of her fiat we cherish the Blessed Virgin Mary as a precious model and strive to imitate her disposition to service and her habit of contemplation. In prayer we keep all things in our heart which the Redeemer suggests to us when we seek Him, just as our Blessed Mother did. In our places of ministry and apostolic work, we strive to form men and women more fully in the image of Her Son. In our enthusiasm for our work, in our devotion to prayer, and our hospitality towards others, we seek to be like her so that we might also become like Her Son.
Applied to education, this spiritual focus is reflected in the five Characteristics of Marianist Education below.
· Educate for formation in faith
· Provide an integral, quality education
· Educate in family spirit
· Educate for service, justice, and peace
· Educate for Adaptation and Change

(Above, Brother Joseph greets a student on his first day of high school.)