The Holy Name of Mary
For us Marianists, today is our Patronal feast day!
For Blessed Chaminade this feast definitely was central to his spirituality which influenced all of his writings and his foundations. It is for the honor and glory of Mary that we Marianists pronounce our vows to God and take on the mission of Mary bringing Jesus to today's world.
Our Blessed Founder encouraged all of his followers to reflect upon this call of Mary. He commented:
"God, in the wisdom of his counsels, predestined Mary from all eternity to be the Mother of the Savior of the world, to be the instrument of the Incarnation, which is the universal principle of grace. This choice is a gift of God and infinitely glorious for Mary. But the gifts of God are irrevocable, hence this choice will remain forever. All the graces received by us are merely applications or outcomes of the grace of the Incarnation."
May all the members of the Marianist Family rejoice and celebrate as we honor Mary our Mother and learn from her to say "Yes"-- "Let it be done to me according to your word.” Amen.