Saturday, May 28, 2016


Jesus didn’t only tell us to remember him in the Eucharist.
He promised to be our Eucharist.
So when we bless, break and share the bread we offer in thanksgiving,
we believe him when he tells us, This bread is my Body.
And when we bless and share the cup we offer in thanksgiving,
we believe him when he tells us, This is the cup of my Blood.

In this sacrament we are not sprinkled, we drink the blood
Christ spilled for us on the Cross.
He is atonement for our sins and in his Blood we are washed clean
not just once a year but every time
we eat this bread and drink this cup
and proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

In him and in the sacrifice he offered once on the Cross
and again now at this table, we are delivered, forgiven and saved.
In Communion with him we are all made one
for we are all sharers in the one Bread broken for us,
in the one Cup we share.

So let us approach the Lord’s Table with thanksgiving
for what he offers us here is more than we can imagine.

Let us approach the Lord’s Table with humility
for none of us deserves what we receive here.

Let us approach the Lord’s Table with reverence
for on this altar is laid the very Body and Blood of Christ.

Let us approach the Lord’s Table with all our brokenness
for we are about to receive the Lord who heals and mends us.

Let us approach the Lord’s Table with a hunger for life
and a thirst for mercy
for that is the food the Lord sets before us.

Let us approach the Lord’s Table in a spirit of prayer,
for here is food for our souls,
here is the Bread of Angels and the Cup of Salvation,
here is the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus, whose Body and Blood
we take and consume with solemnity,
with thanks, and with joy.