Wednesday, April 1, 2015

HOLY WEEK - Mercy, love and life

Holy Week is all about your mercy,
Lord: about how much I need it,
how my heart longs for your pardon
and the peace you make with all of us,
time and time again...

Holy Week is all about your love,
Lord: about how much I need it,
how I take it so for granted,
how your kindness mends
and heals us, time and time again...

Holy Week is all about new life,
Lord: about how much I need it,
how I thirst for new beginnings
and for you to rise in each of us,
time and time again...

Help me walk this holy week with you,
Lord: to your mercy, love and life,
to Easter's hope and joy,
to the promise of the peace you offer,
time and time again...

H/T A Concord Pastor Comments