Friday, October 11, 2013

The Sunday Word

This Sunday, the 28th in Ordinary Time, brings us a familiar story from Saint Luke's Gospel, the cure of the ten lepers - only one of whom comes back to thank Jesus for his healing. The first reading of the day, from the Second Book of Kings, gives us the story of the prophet Elisha healing Naaman of his leprosy - and Naaman's request for "two mule-loads of earth." Writing from prison to Timothy, Paul speaks his faith with and eloquence enhanced by his incarceration.

I never tire of reminding that the best way to prepare to celebrate Mass is to read, ponder and pray over the Scriptures we'll hear proclaimed at that liturgy.

Keep in mind: very often it is the Bible stories we're most familiar with that require the longer preparation. We can take too much for granted when we think, "Yeh -- heard that one before!" Let's not presume on God's Word this week nor on our understanding of it. Take the time to read, ponder and pray over these texts...

Rumi says it best:

brings you to the place
where the Beloved lives."