How I would like a Church which is poor and for the poor! Afterwards, people were joking with me. "But you should call yourself Hadrian, because Hadrian VI was the reformer, we need a reform…" And someone else said to me: "No, no: your name should be Clement". "But why?" "Clement XV: thus you pay back Clement XIV who suppressed the Society of Jesus!" These were jokes. I love all of you very much, I thank you for everything you have done. I pray that your work will always be serene and fruitful, and that you will come to know ever better the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the rich reality of the Church’s life. I commend you to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of Evangelization, and with cordial good wishes for you and your families, each of your families. I cordially impart to all of you my blessing. Thank you.
Before giving his blessing, Francis changed up the usual flow of things in consideration of the crowd, explaining why in Spanish:
I told you I was cordially imparting my blessing. Since many of you are not members of the Catholic Church, and others are not believers, I cordially give this blessing silently, to each of you, respecting the conscience of each, but in the knowledge that each of you is a child of God. May God bless you!"