Monday, July 23, 2012

Marianist Monday

The XXXIV General Chapter of the Society of Mary(Marianists) has just completed its formal work in Rome, Italy. The logo used for the Chapter depicts the concept of “the fire that enkindles other fires: With renewed fervor and missionary momentum in a globalized Society of Mary.”

Rogelio Núñez, SM, Assistant Provincial of the Province of España and member of PREPCO, provides the following explanation:

The Marianist cross is the symbol of the charism inspired by the Founder, who incarnated it in his life, works, writings and words. Therefore, this Chapter calls us to live, with great and gener- ous hearts, that which is at the origin of our vocation: the generous gift of self in the service of the Kingdom of God, with a full and renewed fervor.

Fr. Chaminade had fire in his prayer and in his generous gift of self. He wants us to live and give generously with fire, fervor, intense prayer, zeal, passion, vibrant fraternity and generous self- giving.

The five flames circling the globe represent the five continents in which the SM is present throughout the world. ”I have come to bring fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled” (Lk 12:49). They are all connected, representing the link that exists through the global SM. This link is one of interdependence and solidarity.

“Behold, I will do a new thing. It springs forth now. Don't you know it?”  (Isaiah 43:19)

As regards Marianist life, we cannot forget that we are at a moment which calls us to be new leaven; we are in need of a true period of re-birth. In fact, from within the Society of Mary there surges a great desire for new life, for new fire. We want to be “born again.”