Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gifts of the Spirit

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit include: wisdom... the spirit of understanding and right judgment... courage... the spirit of knowledge and reverence... and the spirit of wonder and awe in God's presence...
For these gifts I pray today.

Let us pray:

Come, Holy Spirit
to this time of prayer, this quiet time
and in the stillness, let me know your presence and your power...
Give us the courage
to stand in the light of God's truth
and to confess our infidelities.

Draw your Church,
your ministers and your people,
to the font of God's mercy
where our sins are washed away.

Give us the wisdom to understand
that nothing can come between us
and the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Give us confidence to surrender to God's mercy:
melt our hardened hearts,
shaping them as you made them to be.

Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your people
and kindle in us the fire of your love...

Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created
and you will renew the face of the earth...