Radiance of the Father, light for our eyes, and guide for our souls, brighten our days by showing us the way to the Father, for You said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Your life showed us the way to live; Your words spoke of the truth of the Father; Your sufferings and death brought us to new life.
May we be radiant with Your joy, as we begin to recognize Your coming to us in one another. We thank You for the gift of Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist which nourishes us and gives us renewed life. Amen.
Last week, Bro. Peter, Bro. Patrick, Bro. Joseph, Bro. Daniel and Bro. Michael made haste with over 70 students from our Marianist high schools to visit the elderly and the Little Sisters of the Poor in Queens Village. While Santa was busy with gift-giving others sang carols throughout the home. At the end of our visit we joined the Little Sisters and residents in the Chapel for Lessons and Carols.
(Suzie Craven & Tim Lynch spend some time singing carols in the dining area.)