Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where are we when God calls?

God used the story of two well-known women in the Bible, Martha and Mary, to demonstrate the type of relationship He wants with each of us. The two sisters had contrasting approaches to their walk with God – and thus got difference results. Martha was anxious and un-trusting. Mary got alone with God and worshipped at Jesus’ feet

Mary went to see Jesus - at the right time. She went when He called her and she went without delay. She went when she was properly prepared because she had been praying and waiting. Mary was sitting and waiting on Jesus. She was preparing her heart and responding appropriately when He called. As Mary sat still in her house, the Jews who were there might have thought that Mary was focused on other things. But Mary was focused on Jesus.
The difference was in their preparation and consequently in their approaches as well.

Where we are and how we approach God makes a difference.

Both Mary and Martha were believers. But, their walk was not the same. Mary was focused on the Savior because she had gotten quiet and alone with Him. Mary met Jesus in the same place as she did when Jesus was in her home, at His feet!