Mary says "YES!" to this unique opportunity. She interprets her call as a blessing rather than a problem. She gives her consent to the call of God.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Source & Summit
The weekend retreat held on our campus complemented our life in many ways. First, the Eucharist which is the source and summit of our life of faith is at the heart of the vocation of the Marianist Community.
Secondly, the entire retreat weekend was done in the context of Community. The Marianist Community gathers together daily to pray the Divine Office and adore the Blessed Sacrament.
Thirdly, the retreat encouraged all to explore their individual call to vocation. Above, one of our graduates participates in the Eucharistic healing service on Saturday evening.
And finally, the retreat sought the intercession of Our Lady and reflected on her response to God's call in her life. Her response to the astounding epiphany is born of faith. Mary responds with faith and commitment. She offers herself as a willing participant in the workings of the Divine Lover. She offers herself in the service of God. She undertakes great personal risk and sacrifice. She enters into a partnership with God, not only for personal benefit but also for others.