Brother Timothy and Brother David took a medal of Saint Benedict with them when they left for the Solomon Islands in June. There is so much to learn from this medal. Let's take a look and see what it has to teach us.
All the inscriptions are in Latin. The medal has on one side an image of St. Benedict holding up a cross in his right hand and the Rule or Gospels in his left. To his right is a raven carrying off a poisoned loaf and to his left a poisoned cup (both attempts to kill him). Above the cup and the raven are the Latin words:
Crux s. patris Benedicti
(The Cross of our holy father Benedict).
On the margin of the medal, encircling the figure of Benedict, are the words:
Eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur!
(May we be strengthened by his presence in the hour of our death!).
On the reverse side going to the right around the rim we have V.R.S.
Vade Retro Satana
(Get behind me Satan)
and then N.S.M.V.
Numquam Suade Mihi Vana
(Do not suggest vain things to me).
Then we have Pax (Peace) after which there is S.Q.M.L.
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
(They are evil things that you offer)
followed by I.V.B.
Ipse Venenum Bibas
(Drink the poison yourself).
Around the cross in the centre are four letters C, S, P, B
Crux s. patris Benedicti
(The Cross of our holy father Benedict).
On the vertical of the cross from the top down are the letters C.S.S.M.L.
Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux
(May the Holy Cross be Light to me).
On the horizontal there are N.D.S.M.D.
Non Diabolos Sit Mihi Dux
(May the Devil not be my guide/leader/commander).
The medal reflects Benedict's own struggles with temptation and his conquering them with the sign of the cross.
May St. Benedict bless, protect, guide and inspire young people to listen and follow the call of a religious vocation!