Thursday, December 15, 2016

Advent - powerless is a part of conversion

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Whenever we recognize our powerlessness it is part of the process of conversion. But true conversion, says Delp, is not a limp or tepid act; it is a profound transformation, a “trembling” and “quaking””where Christ impinges upon our world, shattering it, demanding from us a radical yes or no:

We have become accustomed to the idea that what God asks of us, the great basic teachings of our lives, and the great responses required by God are somehow accessories”as if we can take them or leave them”as if they are just trinkets for those who choose to accept them. We have very often forgotten that the God of freedom”the God of grace and divine humanity”is a God who challenges us. God wants to be taken seriously, wants to be all, not just an accessory. He does not just leave it to chance whether we say Yes or No. A time comes where our refusal is refusing the fulfillment of our lives, because we have not taken God into account and have not dealt with the Lord God in discernment.