Sunday, December 18, 2016

Advent - Courageous Joseph

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Advent is beginning its fourth and final week. We are so focused on Mary and the Infant Jesus that we often overlook what a remarkably courageous figure Joseph was in responding to his mysterious call in a dream to take the pregnant Mary into his home as his wife.

I would suspect that if I had a dream where an angel commanded me to do something similar that I would wake up thanking heaven that the message was only a dream. Yet the Christmas story would have had a very different outcome if St. Joseph had done the first century equivalent of taking two aspirin and moving on because Mary’s explanation of her situation was crazy. Joseph obviously had a lot more faith than most of us.

Take a few minutes to reflect on your life to identify a time when God has called you to do something that has made all the difference. You just have to listen and act in faith when this happens even it the meaning is unclear.