We're at our best when walking with Jesus
If there's anything the Emmaus Road story teaches us, it's that the disciples of Jesus are at their best when they keep walking with him. Discipleship is never a drive-by or fly-by process, in which we can look for instant results and ignore the people and places we whiz by every day. Disciples of Jesus recognize that their lives are a journey of following Jesus and learning from him but also looking for him in the faces of strangers who join them on the way. Disciples are willing to follow Jesus despite the dangers and potential pitfalls, and they offer hospitality to others who may not yet recognize him. Disciples also know that they can't walk the journey alone. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two, and it was two who traveled together on the road that day. Discipleship is a long-haul process, and we need each other along the way.
We begin our journey with Jesus when we're dipped in the waters of baptism. We also need nourishment along the way, which the breaking of bread in the Eucharist offers us all through Christ's gracious sacrifice. No matter where we live and move in the world, we're to remember that it's Jesus who leads us, provides for us and walks beside us.