Sunday, May 9, 2010

EASTER JOY: Happy Mother's Day

As Marianists we call Mary our Mother. But how is she our mother? Granted, Jesus announced her as our Mother when he said to John from the Cross, “Behold your Mother.” John represents all disciples and hence when Jesus declares Mary to be his Mother, He also speaks to us  "Behold your Mother." But still the question of how is Mary our mother. Jesus does not simply declare her to be so in some arbitrary way.
The most simple answer is this: Mary is our mother because she is the Mother of Jesus and we, by baptism are incorporated into Jesus. Now we are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.  Jesus is the head of the body, the Church. But if Mary gave birth to the head of the Body of Christ she also gave birth to the rest of the Body of Christ. What mother do you know who ever gave birth to the head of her child but not the rest of that child’s body? So if Mary is the Mother of the head of the Body, she is also mother to the members of the body. Why? Because of Christ is one and we are one in Christ. Mary is Mother of Jesus, we are in Jesus, Mary is thus our Mother. It is not some mere sentimental thing. It is a real motherhood.

What is the best gift you can give your mother on Mother’s Day? Scripture surely gives the best answer: Let her who bore you rejoice. In other words the best gift we can give our mothers is to live a life that would make them proud. The Blessed Mother has told us what she wants: Do whatever He tells you.

So the flowers may be nice, the dinner, a phone call, essential, but the best gift for our mothers is a beautiful and holy life.

Happy Mother’s Day Mary!

"The secret of success in any work, whether it be for one’s own perfection or for the support of religion and the propagation of the faith, is to interest the Blessed Virgin in it, to refer all the glory of it to her in accordance with the views and sentiments of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade