Friday, February 19, 2021

The sacrifice of all


Blessed Chaminade: 
Letter 7.1521 to Father Caillet, November 20, 1849 (Near the end of his life) 

“Let us take for our rule of the life the motto “Each one sacrifices himself for the group and the group for the individual, to the extent that conscience will allow.” 

The members of the present administration and of its successors will rejoice rather than be distressed because Divine Providence has given them numerous opportunities to bear with one another. How consoling these will be to their faith because they will be a means of sustaining the spirit of abnegation which those in authority find it hard to develop in the absence of opposition. It is in the spirit which is proper to the beautiful Society of Mary that all superiors should be proof against every adversity. May I add that therein lies the only safeguard of our faith in these times, when lies can so transform themselves in the hearts of men that they appear under the trappings of virtues.”