Friday, October 20, 2017

St. Paul of the Cross.

Image result for st. paul of the Cross
WE celebrate today the feast of St. Paul of the Cross.

He was a man deeply devoted to the Passion of Jesus Christ. After he received a heavenly vision of himself wearing a black habit with a white heart and cross on it, he founded the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (also known as the Passionists).

St. Paul took what he received from God and distributed it to anyone who would listen. Here are seven quotes from the writings of St. Paul of the Cross that speak to the heart and can inspire us in our daily struggle for sanctity.

Build an oratory within yourself, and there have Jesus on the altar of your heart. Speak to Him often while you are doing your work. Speak to Him of His holy love, of His holy sufferings and of the sorrows of most holy Mary.

When you are alone in your room, take your crucifix, kiss its five wounds reverently, tell it to preach to you a little sermon, and then listen to the words of eternal life that it speaks to your heart; listen to the pleading of the thorns, the nails, the precious Blood. Oh, what an eloquent sermon!

When you behold a beautiful landscape, say: “Heaven is more beautiful than that! Above there are true delights and holy pleasures!”

The feast of the Blessed Sacrament is the feast of love. Oh, what great love! what immense charity! The moth is drawn to the light, and burns itself in it. May your soul likewise draw near to the divine Light! May it be reduced to ashes in that sacred flame, particularly during this great and sweet octave of Corpus Christi. Ah! eat, drink, run, sing, rejoice in honor of your divine Spouse.

How beautiful to look upon is the starry firmament! Yet it is only the portal of the blessed country where I hope to go one day.

O souls! seek a refuge, like pure doves, in the shadow of the crucifix. There mourn the Passion of your divine Spouse, and drawing from your hearts flames of love and rivers of tears, make of them a precious balm with which to anoint the wounds of your Saviour.

Celebrate the feast of Christmas every day, even every moment in the interior temple of your spirit, remaining like a baby in the bosom of the heavenly Father, where you will be reborn each moment in the Divine Word, Jesus Christ.