This past week we were able to offer our prayers for the bicentennial jubilee of the Society of Mary and the Daughters of Mary Immacualte.
Arriving at our three schools was the Bicentennial icon of the Wedding Feast at Cana at the Marianist Province of Meribah. The icon, commissioned by leadership of the Society of Mary and the Marianist sisters, the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, traveled to Chaminade, Kellenberg, and St. Martin's with original letters from Marianist Founder Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and Venerable Adele de Trenquélleon, founder of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.
The icon depicts the motto of Fr. Chaminade's Marianist Family: "Do whatever He tells you." (John 2:5)
The icon depicts the motto of Fr. Chaminade's Marianist Family: "Do whatever He tells you." (John 2:5)
The letters were written by the two founders during the time of their work. The Society of Mary's apostolate of education draws inspiration from Mary's words – preaching the joy of a Christian life under her protection. Blessed Chaminade began this mission by forming and dedicating himself to "sodalities" in France – groups of lay men and women learning how to be Christian in a new society.
Bro. Timothy S. Driscoll, S.M., provincial superior for the Province of Meribah, said, "We are truly blessed to reflect together on Mary's message, and Fr. Chaminade's manifestation of it, during our bicentennial year. It reminds us of the privileged task given to us as Marianist educators and rekindles our zeal for the sacred task of making Jesus and Mary known, loved, and served in all places."
Bro. Timothy S. Driscoll, S.M., provincial superior for the Province of Meribah, said, "We are truly blessed to reflect together on Mary's message, and Fr. Chaminade's manifestation of it, during our bicentennial year. It reminds us of the privileged task given to us as Marianist educators and rekindles our zeal for the sacred task of making Jesus and Mary known, loved, and served in all places."