Monday, March 21, 2016

Marianist Monday - Simply Living Lent

Simply Living Lent – Holy Week


Dear God,

Every dawn begins a holy day, a new beginning,
a new chapter in the story of your love for us.

Every year we enter Holy Week,
a solemn, joyful time to remember and celebrate
the love you poured out for us
in the suffering, dying and rising of Jesus.

Only you, Lord,
know how you want to teach and touch me this week...

Open my mind and heart
to what you have in store for me in these holy days…

Open my time, my schedule, my calendar
to spending time with you in prayer.

Make my day free for you
that you might free me
for the day you have in store for me...

Draw me to the church’s prayer,
especially on Thursday, Friday and Saturday...

You have opened your heart for me, Lord,
help me to open my days and nights this week to you...

In this time of special prayer, I make this request of you...

And please keep close to your heart those I love and care for,
whose names I lift up to you now...

Lord, in your love and mercy, hear my prayer.

Our Father...


- Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence:
no meat, only one full meal, no eating between meals.
It is an ancient custom to continue this fast into Holy Saturday.

- If you have not yet reached out to the poor during Lent,
you may want to do so during the holy days of this week.

- Find out the times of the Holy Week liturgies and plan now to participate in them.


Lord, on the night before you died
you prayed alone in the garden
and offered your Father
the burdens of your mind, heart and soul.

Hear the prayers of all your sons and daughters
who share their burdens and fears with you this night.

Be with those who are afraid to be alone
with their memories and fears.

Stand guard with those who serve and protect us,
and with all who are in harm’s way this night.

Help us to trust that tomorrow will dawn
with new offers of your grace and presence.

Give us deep sleep and help us to rest this night in your arms
that we might be prepared to enter the spirit of these holy days
and come to the joy and peace of Easter.

Hail Mary...