Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Guiding the Kids to Their Fiat

The story of humans and God-with-us is a love story, and each one of our stories unfolds differently. That is easier to accept when we talk in general terms about other people, but when it comes to the beings we have given birth to, it’s not that simple. As mothers, we begin to think that our job is to make sure our kids live a pain-free life. From the moment our children are placed in our arms, we make it our mission to keep them safe, free from all suffering, all pain.

That’s impossible, of course. What lives won’t suffer and know pain at some point? We do our best to teach our kids who God is and where they can find him in those moments when life is just too much.

We want to make sure they become saints, but there’s no secret formula for that, right? If you read the lives of the saints, in each case, there came a time when they had to say yes to God. Their parents and guardians vowed to raise them in the faith, but their children are created as individuals by God and, each will get his or her own annunciation. They each will have to make their own fiat.

That is what we must prepare them for — that moment when the mission is given and consent must follow. How do we do it? By modeling Mary’s fiat, and following God’s own example.