Thursday, June 4, 2015

Stand up for Christ

Fr. Paul Turner says:

“Standing for communion,” he wrote, “demonstrates our belief that Christ is risen and that the Eucharistic food we share is a foretaste of the life to come. Standing emphasizes our participation in the mystery of the mass, which is the point of communion.”

With that, he touches on something that I think is even more beautiful: “our participation in the mystery of the mass.” Central to that mystery is prayer.

So, consider how we pray. During the mass, whenever we pray together, we stand. We do it at the beginning of mass, for the opening prayer, and for the “Gloria.” In a few moments, we will stand to pray together the Creed and the Prayer of the Faithful. We will stand for the “Holy Holy Holy” and the “Our Father.” And we will stand for the Prayer After Communion. More often than not, when the priest says those three words – “Let us pray” – we stand.

So it seems to me it is only fitting that we stand, too, for the most important prayer we say in the mass, that instant when we receive Christ in the Eucharist.

Receiving the Eucharist is a form of prayer. It is a testament of faith, a song of praise. It is a call, and a response. And it is also an affirmation of everything we hold to be true.

We are shown the host and the minister of communion says “The Body of Christ.” It’s not “Do you want one?” Or even “Are you worthy?” It is simple and direct: “The Body of Christ.” In other words: behold what is tangible. Real. Present. He is here. And we respond with one small word – a word that sounds almost like a whisper, but that echoes like thunder.



Yes. I believe. Yes, I accept the Body of Christ – broken and beautiful and present in the appearance of this fractured piece of bread. Yes, I want Him to become a part of me. Yes, I hold this mystery in the palm of my hand and hold it, as well, in my heart.

Yes, I will carry Him with me, in me, into the world.

Yes, I believe.

That is what we say with every “Amen” at every communion.

Yes. One small word. But how much power is in that word! It is the word that a simple peasant girl uttered 2,000 years ago, when she was also asked to accept the Body of Christ into her own life, into her own body. “Yes,” she said. And with that, Mary became the very first tabernacle. And like Mary, in a similar way, each of us at every mass also becomes a tabernacle. It happens every time we say “Yes” to that sliver of bread, the Body of Christ.

We do that, and we carry Christ. He becomes a part of us. We become a part of him. It is a moment that is nothing less than monumental.

And saying “Yes” to all that is the greatest prayer we can make.

On this coming feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi on Sunday, let us strive to say that prayer, that “Amen,” as if it is the first time we’ve ever said it.

When you consider all that it means, all that it contains, all that we believe in all its mystery and wonder and awe…that is something to stand for.

And: to stand up for.