Listen to the words of Job, "I am filled with restlessness until the dawn,"
Whatever the clime where you live, now is the time - for reading, studying, praying with the Scriptures for this coming weekend, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
This week's first reading is taken from the Book of Job - and it's a selection that fits our common notions about Job to a T! Unfortunately, it's not at all clear why this passage was chosen to pair with the day's Gospel which tells the story of Jesus healing Peter's mother-in-law and then many others. (Generally, the first reading each Sunday is thematically tied to the day's Gospel passage.)
Still, there will be many who feel like Job and many who long for a healing touch from Jesus so these texts definitely speak to all of us. And between these two texts we find St. Paul flexing his muscles as a faithful preacher of the Gospel.