These beautiful lyrics for Evening Prayer on Holy Family Sunday were written. to pray for families in "whatever way they come to be..." Our families come to be who they are and aren't in more ways than any of us can know or count!
Before you pray, take a moment to call to mind and heart the members of your family (and others' families) for whose health, healing and happiness you want to pray this weekend...

Tallis Canon
All praise to you, our God this night,
For all the blessings of the Light.
Keep us, O keep us as we sing
Beneath the shadow of your wing.
We thank you, God, for family
In every way it comes to be.
In fam'ly life your love made flesh
Unfolds the myst'ry of the creche.
With Mary, true to her deep call,
With Joseph, guardian of us all,
With Jesus, brothers, sisters we
Are drawn to you as family.
Praise God who gives each blessing birth,
Praise Jesus Christ of heav'n and earth,
Praise Spirit making new and free,
Praise to the Holy Trinity.
- Ellen Oak (2008)
Hold my family in your arms, Lord:
may your embrace bring peace and healing
to any hurt and grudges keeping us
from loving one another...
Give each of us the grace to pardon and forgive
and, graciously, be pardoned and forgiven...
Help us think of others, sisters, brothers,
before we tend to our own needs;
and in our sharing and forgiving
help us make and be a family in your love...