Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Vocation Joy

When discerning your religious vocation it helps to ask, “What gives me hope?”

Remember Mary running to Elizabeth sharing her great hope and rejoicing.

So what brings you joy?

Pay attention to what pulls at your heartstrings.

Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. The vocation that the Lord calls you to is meant for your good and should draw you into joy and a fullness of life. As you consider your call, pay attention to what brings you joy and life. This joy that you are looking for is not just happiness or ease; often our vocations can be quite challenging. The joy that you are looking for will involve a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. 
A calling, a vocation, is an invitation to a particular path of nurturing and loving Jesus supernaturally conceived inside you. Think about joy!