On Saturday, April 30 the Marianists of the Province of Meribah celebrated the fifty years of religious consecration of three of our Brothers. Father Albert, Brother David and Brother Robert Anthony celebrated fifty years of consecration with their fellow Brothers of the Province, family, colleagues and friends.
The Liturgy at Kellenberg Memorial began at 4:00 p.m. with over 400 guests. Light refreshments were served afterwards in the Gymnasium. The Jubilarians, Marianists and family gathered in the Millenium Room for a traditional Marianist meal. Conversation, laughter, song and plenty of food were certainly part of this celebration.
May God continue to bless our Brothers who committed themselves 50 years ago to service to our Lady and the Church.
May the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.
Jubilarians Brother David and Brother Robert Anthony prepare for their profession of vows which they professed 50 years ago. |
Brother Joseph, Brother Robert and his sister enjoy the dinner in the Millennium Room. |
Brother Timothy and Fr. Albert's family share some time prior to dinner. |
Jubilarian Brother David and his family pause for a picture after dinner. |
Jubilarian Brother Robert and his sister immediately after the celebration of Mass. |
Father Albert and his clan enjoy a moment before dessert. |
Brother David formally professes his vows before Provincial Brother Thomas. |