Thursday, April 8, 2010

EASTER JOY: Don't Dodge God

Every third Friday of the month the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Rockville Centre sponsors Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington. Our two high schools travel to the Seminary regularly.

It has been a rich source of prayer for all of our students.

At the end of the evening those attending are invited to dodgeball in the gym. I am pretty sure our students would still come even without a competetive game of dodgeball. Here is a little glimpse of the grace-filled evening. The clip below captures the main event of the evening. Without a doubt, while there is food, competition, dodgeball, and a comraderie among all. The thing that our students talk about most on their way home is their contact with the divine.

The next Aoration night is the third Friday in April. Don't miss it! And we better win dodgeball!