Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Culture of Vocations

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God is still calling men and women to the priesthood and religious life, but because of a culture that does not promote vocations they are not responding to His call. Father Christopher Argano, in his new column, sums it up when he says, “Most people do not really know what is involved in someone pursuing a call to the priesthood. Even fewer have a good sense of how they can discern, or figure out, whether or not God is calling them to follow Him in the priesthood or religious life.” (CNY, View on Vocations, March 1).

It is difficult for men and women to consider the priesthood or religious life because many times they do not have the support from family or friends. It is so important for our parishes and Catholic schools to create an environment where men and women, especially the youth and young adults, can have encouragement and support to discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. It should be a priority, especially in our culture today, that we as Catholics help to build an environment where young people can be open to considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life.

Having a column in Catholic New York where questions about vocations can be answered can help those who may be interested in discerning the priesthood or religious life and help to prepare friends and family for how to provide support and encouragement to someone who wants to discern God’s calling in his or her life. We need to pray for and encourage more vocations, especially for young men to consider the priesthood because the center of our faith is Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, and without this holy vocation we do not have the holy sacrament.

Christina Sorrentino

Staten Island