Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, all time belongs to Him, and all the ages, to Him be glory and power, through every age for ever. Amen. As Christians and consecrated men, in every action and in every moment of our lives, we are called to say to ourselves: "I believe in the Resurrection that will save and restore all things to Himself."
+ + +
I believe in the Resurrection!Yes! Lord! I do believe!
I believe when we celebrate the Eucharist each morning.
Yes! Lord! I do believe!
I believe when I listen to the Word.
Yes! Lord! I do believe!
I believe when we gather for meals together.
Yes! Lord! I do believe!
I believe when we go out each day to love & serve the Lord!
I believe in the Resurrection!
+ + +
May we be worthy of our Baptism & the Profession of Vows we have all made.
May our Baptism and Profession of poverty, chastity, obedience and stability
be an act of our belief in the Resurrection!
Happy Easter!
be an act of our belief in the Resurrection!
Happy Easter!