Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Marianist Discernment

Last night the Marianists hosted over thirty young men discerning their call to the religious life. Following evening prayer in the Chapel, Brother Roger led us from his family home in Westbury, Long Island to his solemn profession of chastity, poverty, obedience and stability. All vocational calls take different routes and Brother Roger's vocational path was a response to the constant call of Christ, "Come, follow me."

The discernment process can be a very anxious time, a time of great confusion and fear. But it can also be a time of great excitement, a time when one discovers the richness and diversity of the Catholic Church, when one learns really to trust in God's love and let go of the things that prevent us from being what He wants us to be.

Please pray for those young men discerning their vocation to the Marianist.