Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marianist Missionaries

Last evening the Province gathered to offer prayers and best wishes at a Bon Voyage Celebration for our Missionary Brothers.

Brother Mark will return to India to assist in the missionary work of the Society of Mary. Brother Timothy and Father Thomas will  travel to the Solomon Islands for our Province missionary work this summer.

The entire Province rejoices as we send these Brothers to this important work. Blessed Chaminade reaffirmed our missionary efforts with these words:

“You are true missionaries. Teaching youth is certainly not the end that you should have proposed to yourselves when consecrating yourselves entirely to God under Mary’s protection: teaching is only a means that we employ to complete our mission, that is, to educate in faith and to multiply Christians.”

We also celebrated the Anniversary of First Profession of the following :

Brother George Edward
Father Thomas
Brother Michael Joseph

These Brothers professed their vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience thirty-five years ago.

May the Father, Son and Holy Spirirt be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.