Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving means so many things to so many people.

For some Thanksgiving means family. It’s when the whole gang comes together from all across the country to give thanks.

But not everyone has a perfect family. And a good percentage of us don't even have a fully functioning family. For many familes, Thanksgiving is just a reminder of past hurts or wounds.

When it comes down to it, Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate what we do have. For some, that’s family; for others, it's simply a roof over their head or food on the table.

But what do we all have in common to be thankful for as Catholics?

Answer, the Eucharist. Wanna know why?

The Eucharist actually means thanks giving. Because no matter what is different about our Thanksgiving Day meals - from eating turkey sandwiches for two to a feast for 40 - the one food we can all be grateful for is the Bread of Life. The feelings we all have during these festive days all start in the heart of Christ, whether we know it or not.

So, this Turkey day, let’s all take a moment between the parades, the pigskin, the leisure and the pies to thank God for a food that’s truly life changing.