Monday, December 14, 2020

Advent - December 14

We are fully in the midst of Advent.We cannot go through Advent without mention of one of my favorite books of all time, The Reed of God by 20th century British Catholic and spiritual writer, Caryll Houselander.

I am your reed, sweet shepherd, glad to be.
Now, if you will, breathe out your joy in me
And make bright song.
Or fill me with the soft moan of your love
When your delight has failed to call or move
The flock from wrong.

Make children's songs, or any songs, to fill
Your reed with breath of life;
But at your will, lay down the flute,
And take repose, while music infinite
Is silence in your heart; and laid on it
Your reed is mute.

~ "The Reed of God" by Caryll Houselander