Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

Today in all of our Marianist Communities, as in many places around the world, people are walking in solemn procession behind large wooden crosses commemorating the crucifixion and death of our Lord.

Some of the processions will takes place in the context of the Stations of the Cross. There will be other processions that stop at churches or at places where lives have been lost or where neighbors are experiencing homelessness or other crisis. Together, we reflect on how this human suffering is reflected in that experience by our Lord and the hope Jesus offers in transforming the pain and misery of this world through his own Passion and death.

Together we will sing out loud today, “We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.” To which we all reply, “Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.”

Those who walk in procession today share their faith with the world. Together with the Apostles and all believers who gaze on the cross we see much more than just the instrument of which Jesus hung until he died.

We see the sufferings of Jesus and the glory of his resurrection inseparably joined to the Paschal Mystery. It is for this reason that we say the Cross of Christ points toward and is fulfilled in the Resurrection.