Saturday, December 2, 2017

Thanksgiving Crumbs

Jesus is the "all-time, undisputed, undefeated Champion of Love." How are his followers doing as "Champions of Love"? Can others look at us and say, as they said about Jesus, "see how he loved him"? Can Jesus say that about you? About our schools?

Alas, none of us has Jesus' power to defeat death. But we can imitate Jesus' active, engaged style of ministry in our own attempts to embody Christ's love for the world. By reaching out to others in need - physically, emotionally, spiritually - we can help so many of our loved and society's "unloved" ones. Like Jesus we can find ourselves by losing ourselves in behalf of others.

Last week our Marianist high schools collected items for the elderly who are cared for by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Over eighty volunteers traveled with the donated items to Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village, NY to assist in organizing thousands of items.