Saturday, October 1, 2011

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 5:1-7
Phil 4:4-9
Mt 21:33-43

So have you made any plans to put aside some time to read this Sunday's scriptures and background material on them?

If we were to write an honest appraisal about ourselves, as tenants in God's kingdom -just like the workers that are featured in this Sunday's vineyard -- what would we say?
Would we admit that we are at times incredibly ungrateful? Terribly unfruitful? Would we confess that we tend to live as if everything we've been lent by God is actually ours to keep? No matter what you'd write, the Good News is this:
Because of the work of Christ, he'd still be glad to have you as his. Even if you refuse to pay your rent on time.

What kind of tenants are we? We have been entrusted with much. We are the new inhabitants of God's incredible vineyard. Life-giving wine must flow from its walls. It's time to be a good steward. "The season for fruit" has drawn near. No, God won't take it away from us. But God still expects much from us.

We've been given the Gospel. We've been entrusted with goods. Whether we live in an expensive condo or a monster mansion, may it all be used to bear incredible fruit. Amen.